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  • 339 Blue Hills Avenue Hartford, CT, 06112 United States (map)

Meetings of the Hartford Alumnae chapter are only open to duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in good standing. Consequently, proof of membership is required and must be verified before admittance to chapter meeting is granted. Visiting sorors must be prepared to present their membership card or credentials and photo identification to the HAC Sergeant-At-Arms upon arrival.

Δ   When and Where are Hartford Alumnae Chapter Meetings?

Hartford Alumnae Chapter Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month (September -June) at Jumoke Academy on the first floor (339 Blue Hills Avenue, Hartford, CT) at 10:00AM.  First time visiting sorors are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes early as credentials are verified prior to admitting new members into the meeting. **Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, all chapter meetings are held virtually. Please contact membership services to verify your credentials and receive the digital meeting login information.**
